Besides teaching, I love to organise events and help the community. For this reason, over the years, I have founded numerous forums that have always aimed at bringing communities together for various causes such as education, entertainment, charity, and so on.

ENAI WG Centre for Academic Integrity in the UAE
A network of excellence I founded with colleagues from different universities and schools in the UAE. Its vision is to bring together educators, students and industry to discuss, create and promote the culture of integrity across school and university campuses in the UAE.

Amra Notun Bangladesh Expat Student Association
A student club I founded in 2009 for the Bangladeshi students at UOWD. One of the most active clubs on campus, it is responsible for bringing together the entire student community and the greater society under one roof to engage in and interact with each other and learn about culture and heritage

Aami Porte Chai - Student Scholarship Program
In the aftermath of the 2008 recession, many families of low-income category were forced to send their children back home due to loss of jobs, financian insecurities and so on.
I started this program through the student club to encourage patrons from the community to adopt students and pay their tuition fees.
Currently there are six students who are studying under this scholarship program in Dubai, UAE

Amra Shikhak - Bangladesh Expat Teachers' Forum
Together with Mrs. Nurun Nahar Huda and Mrs. Sheikha Kaneez, I founded a forum for teachers in Dubai to bring together intellectuals interested to further their careers and and help the greater community. Teachers have the power to change the face of a soceity. With this goal, our forum spear heads many community-based initiatives such as teaching English to unskilled labours, Bengali to students and foreigners and so on.
Wo-Gi Foundation - For Women and Girls
Together with Mrs. Nurun Nahar Huda and Mrs. Sheikha Kaneez, I founded a forum for teachers in Dubai to bring together intellectuals interested to further their careers and and help the greater community. Teachers have the power to change the face of a soceity. With this goal, our forum spear heads many community-based initiatives such as teaching English to unskilled labours, Bengali to students and foreigners and so on.