Student projects I have supervised and mentored
Since 2013, I have begun to mentor graduation projects for interested students at UOWD. The experience has been fun, sometimes nail-biting, and in the end always very fulfilling.
Some successful projects I have helped mentor in the past years are listed

My Bei't Project
My Bei't - Educational Tool for Special Needs Students
Group of students - Yusra Ibrahim, Sonia Sadhwani, Sharifa Taimur and Huda Farooq worked under my supervision to develop an educational game for special needs students, working closely with Rashid Pediatric Therapy Centre (Dubai). The project made the Top Ten project list at the Software Trade Show 2014 and Step Up Shahbab Undergraduate Scientific Research. Currently, the team is finalizing their beta version, a website and mobile app.

Heroes for Cancer
Group of students - Fariha, Ashiq, Abdul Basit and Artaza developed an app for cancer community to help support members of the society. The project won the Young Achievers Award 2014, Third Place at Microsoft Imagine Cup 2014 and was Top Ten projects at Software Trade Show and Gitex Competition.

Ta'leem - an educational software aimed at Foundation Stage students to teach the students to read and write using Jolly Phonics, folowing the British Curriculum in collaboration with GEMS Wellington Academy, Silicon Oasis Dubai. Members include Abdush Shakoor, Nilufa Hoque, Fauzan Sudradjat, and Lorain Manoj.The team bagged the People's Choice Award at the UOWD Software Trade Show compeition in 2015 and was featured in The National at

My Chol
The MyChol app, created by students Hasan Ali, Emad Al Agha, Masood Iqbal and Waleed Al Kiswani, was developed with the help of local clinicians in Dubai. It is currently designed for Android platforms and enables users to track their daily diet and exercise levels, providing goals that are tailored depending on factors relating to the individual’s health. For example, certain foods or exercise goals would not be appropriate for someone with diabetes or who is morbidly obese, and as such the app tailors the advice it gives depending on the patient’s medical records.
MyChol also reminds patients of upcoming tests and checks, along with offering cues as to when users should take their medication. Significantly, it is designed to ensure that doctors are also kept in the loop with a patients’ progress by offering them a logged history of a patient’s activities between check-ups. The team managed the highest score for the project among all MIS student projects and was featured in The National:

SAMA – a language learning program by Shuji Shefeek and Rohit Jaggi uses the technology to teach sign-language to both the hearing and non-hearing community, offering a dynamic system which gives feedback, picks up mistakes from the user and teaches progressively with online lessons and tests.
With an expandable database of signs, the software allows any organization or individual to use SAMA to teach and learn any type of sign language, be it Emirati Sign Language, American Sign Language or British Sign Language. The team won the Best Paper Presentation award at the Zayed UNiversity Student Conference 2015 and were featured in The National:


iRecall is an imaginative software being developed to help imrpove memory loss, using fuzzy logic.
Winner, UOWD Software Trade Show

Technology and Integrity in Academic Writing
Ajrina Hysaj. PhD Student. UOW Australia

Ajrina is pursuing a PhD through fee-waiver scholarship from University of Wollongong Australia to study the impact of technological evolutions on student academic integrity and writing.
Supervisors - Dr Mark Freeman (UOW), Dr Zeenath Reza Khan (UOWD)
Enrolled 2021 - to present

Exploring contract cheating
Veronika Krasnican. European Network for Academic Integrity. Erasmus+ Student Scholarship
Veronika is from Czech Republic and has worked as a Visiting Fellow with Erasmis+ funding under my supervision to develop her Masters Thesis towards a PhD dissertation proposal. The supervision and collaboration led to launch of the International Contract Cheating Project (iCOP) with European Network for Academic Integrity.